fast facts about sedation dentistry

At your Brantford Pediatric Dentist Peachtree Kids Dental we specialize in providing sedation dentistry techniques to ease treatments on kids. This approach allows kids of all ages to be able to undergo dentistry procedures without the apprehension of sounds, noises or tool maneuvering within their mouthes. Kids first go through an oral examination and then after that they are put under one of the following anesthesia procedures: nitrous oxide, conscious sedation or general anesthesia.

These types of procedures precondition kids to respond better to each treatment without any trauma. 

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Our Brantford Pediatric Dentist applies the nitrous oxide anesthesia type through a very fast method which has analgesic effects on very young kids. The main objective is to achieve a light sedation of the patient to reduce anxiety and stress during treatment. This is particularly very effective in very small agitated kids who just will not settle on the patient's chair. 

Conscious Sedation (Oral Sedation)

Conscious sedation is a combination of medicines that help your child relax (a sedative) and block pain (an anesthetic) during their dental procedure. Child becomes more relaxed and is still able to respond to parents or to the dentist, while also possibly feeling more sleepy. Conscious sedation lets them recover quickly and return to their everyday activities soon after the procedure.

General Anesthesia (Sleep Dentistry)

In the general anesthesia the patient is brought to a total state of unconsciousness. In this situation kids will be sleeping and not be able to answer back in case spoken to. This type of treatment is more appropriate for kids that do not cooperate or cannot communicate. It may also be useful for kids with special needs. Just with any other type of surgical procedure parents must be aware that their kids will undergo risks when undergoing anesthesia.  This general anesthesia is only applied by a certified and well trained group of medical anesthesiologists, and an RCDSO (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario)  approved dentist anaesthetist at our Brantford Pediatric Dentist.

Possible Patients for Pediatric Dental Sedation at our Brantford Pediatric Dentist are:

  • Infants

  • Kids that have very demanding dental treatment requirements

  • Children that are very apprehensive

  • Kids with very strong gag reflexes

  • Kids with traumatic experiences

  • Kids that have problems with tools and smells associated to dentistry

  • Kids with special needs